Let’s Take a Spiritual Journey Together.


Clear Energy Gain Clarity


Deepen Your Spiritual Connection


Regain Your Power

Shamanic Influence.


Though all the work I do encompasses a spiritual component, this path of healing is influenced by spiritual shamanic teachings, healings and rituals that were instrumental in my own healing and daily life.

On this Transformational Journey into the Self, you’ll set your intention, learn about and experience ancient rituals like creating sacred space, connecting to the Earth and Celestial Energies, clearing energy, meeting your Power Animal and Spirit Guide, as well as taking “Journeys” to receive answers to your life questions.

We’ll also focus on healing childhood wounds, exploring a past life, visiting the Womb of Eternity and/or whatever Spirit may direct us to do during our time together. We do all this with a focus on your personal intention and an overarching intention of journeying into your heart to begin your true self-discovery so that you can eventually move through and beyond the fears that keep the real you sidelined.

I’ll uniquely combine shamanic teachings and experiences with hypnosis, other rapid change modalities, and psychoeducation for a modern-day approach to helping you heal yourself back into wholeness.

Please know that shamanism is not a religion. It’s a way of living or connecting in your life that can compliment or enhance your current religious or spiritual practice.

“Nature is not our enemy, to be raped and conquered. Nature is ourselves, to be cherished and explored.”

- Terence McKenna


Transformational Spiritual Journey.


Create Sacred Space.


Sacred Space is about honoring Life, and specifically your life by setting and maintaining healthy boundaries that no longer allow anyone, including yourself to disrespect you and your personal space.

You’ll be introduced to Grounding, Ceremony, Calling in the Directional Spirits, Setting Energetic Protections, the Hoop Practice, Balancing Your Chakras and Clearing your Auric Field of other people’s energy.


Set Your Intention.


An intention comes from a deep place within and is about bringing out a quality/aspect of yourself that is needed in order to move into a state of desired action. It is how you move into the “flow of life.” It becomes a whole body experience that creates a specific way of thinking, feeling and acting.

It’s about calling forth the energy within yourself to fully show up, be present and in your body so that you can experience the proverbial “flow” in your efforts. Giving you the opportunity to work through whatever it is that’s getting in the way, and ultimately experiencing inner growth.

It’s not the same as a goal, which is an end result often judged as being a success or failure, that frequently can lead us back into our struggles, keeping us repeating unsupportive survival patterns.

As you work with your personal intentions, you’ll discover and connect to new pieces of yourself. This work will expose those fears and unsupportive programs that are running in the background directing your life and preventing previously unexpressed aspects/qualities of you from manifesting in the physical world.

You’ll learn how to set an intention and how to strengthen it through the “I-Ch-Th-We” (ee-chee-tah-way) Prayer and through the use of powerful questions.


Regain Your Power.


Regaining your power is not about repeating affirmations of higher thought to yourself until you override your negative thoughts and change your reality. It’s about deep healing and building a solid foundation so that you can then truly integrate and easily live those higher philosophies.

It’s about letting go of the limiting expectations you have of who you think you are and who you think you should be. It’s about disempowering the fears that keep you living a limited life and keep your soul trapped in a cage, unexpressed.

It’s about trusting and allowing your true self to unfold and emerge out of the unknown, out of uncertainty, out of the darkness. It’s about coming to know that the unknown is full of love and joy, and that our fears are merely illusions that keep us from experiencing this love.

As we break each fear at its core, we regain the power and the ability to easily see what was feared as an awesome opportunity to discover something or experience something or become something we never allowed ourselves to consider before.

Our focus will be on clearing stuck energies, and deep unsupportive patterns and behaviors that keep you trapped in narrow-minded states of awareness.

You’ll meet and work with your Power Animal and Spirit Guide(s), learn how to Journey, visit the Flame of Freedom, and a past life or two, and heal some childhood wounds and negative imprints.

Program Details

We will meet one-on-one online via ZOOM for 12 sessions over a 6-month period of time. Each session will range between 90-120 minutes. You will be expected to complete assignments between sessions and implement or continue a daily spiritual practice. I will be available between sessions by email and text, and in cases of emergency, by phone.

If you are ready to do the inner work to transform your life and would like me to guide you through this truly Transformational Journey, please schedule a free consultation so we can discuss this possibility and determine if this is the right time and process for you.


What People Are Saying


“My experience began right after the separation from my 22 year long relationship. I was seeking a steady ground and was driven by an earnest need to hold on to and return to myself during this significant life transition. Through use of trance, meditation, dialogue, hoop practice, and other shamanic work, I feel like I am in a much better and more centered place for myself.

I feel I have really experienced significant growth and improvement as a result of my Empowered Living sessions. I feel a greater clarity and understanding of myself and can feel my life force reawakening after a time of dormancy. I feel clearer about who I am, who I have been (for better and for worse) and have a stronger sense of how I want to live going forward.

Cindy has really helped me stop and listen to all the parts of myself that are calling out, to take time to listen to the expressed needs and desires, and she has given me ways to really honor and accept these parts of myself. I feel like I am becoming more integrated and am equipped with some real tangible and effective practices to help me listen and honor myself going forward.

Cindy Shuffield is a gifted, loving, and skilled practitioner. I could not be more grateful for my work with her!!”

— JennP, Virginia


“I was well informed at every step. I have improved in many ways and now have a peacefulness in my life thanks to Cindy and the work we did together.”

— Kimm, Virginia


“I experienced more than I thought with the journey (past life) and the stone reading. It was perfect!”

— Jackie, Virginia


“I found all of my sessions to be invaluable help. I believe our first session was a tremendous value for me to get started digging into a deeper level of self-growth. I feel very fortunate to have worked with Cindy. I am very grateful.”

— B.K., Virginia


Basic Descriptions.

What does “Shamanic” Mean?

Depending on who you ask you will receive a different answer. I see it as a generalization of ancient earth-centered spiritual traditions and wisdoms of indigenous people from around the world. These traditions honor the natural world and look to it for instructions on how to live in harmony and kinship with the Earth, the cycle of life, and each other.

These spiritual traditions have us work with the imagination, non-ordinary realities, and helping spirits and animals in a way that allows us to experience and respond to life from a deeper place inside ourselves where we know we are connected to all things. Thus, we are able to live a more physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually enriched life.

Chakra System Balancing

Behind every aspect of who we are is energy. Different cultures have their own interpretation of the body’s energy systems. The most well respected and commonly taught seven chakra system philosophy came from Eastern Indians over 7,000 years ago.

Chakras are thought to radiate light outward into the environment from their location along the interior of the spine and can be likened to a lens that can open and close.

Each chakra can be flooded with too much energy if the lens is too open or depleted of energy if the lens is too constricted or closed. Each one also has a color and specific teaching associated with it that can help you understand many aspects of your consciousness.

You’ll be guided through a visualization process that will help you begin to balance your energy system and empower you to take charge of your own energetic domain.

Flame of Freedom

Fire has always represented cleansing and renewal. After being led to a place deep inside where the Flame of Freedom burns, you’ll have the opportunity to experience a deep energetic clearing of the negative energies from previous experiences in your life that you’re ready to release, an expansion of your positive energies, and an opportunity to welcome back into your life, a lost or missing aspect of you.

Meet Your Power Animal

Each animal has a specific way of being in the world from which we can learn and strengthen this way of being in our own lives.

Meeting your power animal is the first step to understanding your own personality and learning how to express it. Your animal reflects your personal qualities (current and potential) and helps you develop the personality which will serve you best.

Your power animal is an ally and a means which you can begin to find your center and your own guidance in the world. Our power animals become our friends and act as support when we’re feeling alone or confused or unsure. They offer us insights into how to deal with our problems and they give us sound advice.

As you build a relationship with your animal, you’re building a bridge into self-validation. You’ll eventually stop looking for approval or permission from outside of yourself and start confidently living from that inner voice coming from within your heart.

You’ll have the opportunity to meet and develop a relationship with your power animal during our work together.


While in a trance or hypnotic state of consciousness, you experience inner realities that are outside your normal everyday perceptions.

Modern Day Soul Retrieval

Many of us don’t feel totally whole and live with a feeling that some part of us is missing. It’s thought that this feeling is due to the loss of aspects of our soul (our vital energy or essence) which in order to survive a painful experience at a time when we were lacking the skills or abilities to process that event, fragmented off and became stuck or frozen in time.

Unconsciously we spend a lot of energy looking for these missing aspects of ourselves. One way that we do this is by attracting relationships that will mirror back to us clues to those missing aspects.

Our job together will be for you to journey back in time to another reality to find a lost part, discover its needs, give it the resources it needs to regain its movement (become unstuck), and welcome it and help its reintegration back into your life, bringing with it its vital energy.

Past Life Regression

While in trance, with your intention in mind, you’ll be guided back in time to explore a past life. Your spirit guide, higher self or power animal will take you to the life that will be the most important for you to explore for the purpose of resolving issues from the past that are hindering your current life in some way.

There are people who believe and those who aren’t sure, and a number of ideas about what’s really happening during a past life regression. What matter’s most isn’t whether you truly lived or not the lives you remember or experience during a regression, it’s whether you release fears or gain clarity, insight or comfort from it, or your current life benefits in some way.

Clients who have explored their past lives have received remarkable insight into their current lives, released fears, healed emotional wounds and gained greater understanding of their own special journey and character.

 Schedule Your FREE Spiritual Journey Consultation Here.