Hypnosis for Anxiety & Stress Relief


Because YOU CAN BREAK FREE from Stress and Worry!


 Hypnosis is one of the most effective tools for reducing anxiety.

My Clients Often Discover This & More…

  • How to be okay and in control despite the presence of anxiety.

  • Literally with just the touch of two fingers, how to easily recreate a state of calm and relaxation.

  • At least 6 rapid anxiety interrupting techniques that give you the power to stop feelings before they can overtake you.

  • How to mindfully accept yourself and your experiences, including painful emotions, and how this is more effective at improving your well-being than aversion, suppression, self-rejection and self-punishment.

  • Mindfulness techniques that help you consciously detach from intense situations, and allow you to gain perspective.

  • Critical thoughts cause suffering only as long as you believe those thoughts. You’ll learn how to change your internal dialogue and free yourself from suffering.

  • The ability to harness the power of your thoughts, feelings & behaviors, so they’re working with you, instead of against you.

  • Effectively communicate with your unconscious mind to essentially take control of your life.

  • Freedom from the past… and how to live in the present and move with much greater ease, courage & confidence into your future.

  • The truth about hypnosis and how you’re already using it. I’ll show you how to get much better results!

What To Expect

After a complete assessment to determine your strengths, skills and abilities, your desires and the particulars of your current situation, I’ll customize a unique plan for us to address your specific needs. For more session-specific details see Frequently Asked Questions page.

My goal is to first teach you a number of techniques that will put you back in control, allowing you to immediately begin interrupting the cognitive, emotional, structural and energetic patterns involved in anxiety and to also get you and your nervous system back into a calm peaceful state.

Once I know you’ve got a good handle on how to utilize these anti-anxiety techniques, and we’ve gotten your nervous system calmed, we’ll then work together to discover the root cause of the emotional triggers, methodically neutralize those triggers and rewrite new supportive responses.

Essentially, you’ll be back in charge of your life!

Let’s Get Started Now…

What People Are Saying

“When I first started hypnosis with Cindy I was at a really low place. My anxiety was at its worse and my self esteem was so bad. We worked on childhood trauma and Cindy taught me techniques to help with the intrusive thoughts I was getting throughout the day. I have seen major improvements from where I started.

I started to drive again which was something I haven't done in a long time. I started getting my confidence back and I now know how to interrupt negative thoughts. I can calm myself down when I need to. My self esteem improved. I no longer see myself extremely ugly. I learned so much about the subconscious mind and how our emotions work and how important it is to meet our needs. Cindy is truly an amazing person inside and out. I loved working with her. I am very grateful to have found her. “

- Amany, Virginia


“I reached out to Cindy because I felt like the last year had created new stress and anxiety that I wasn't able to handle on my own. I felt like it took nothing at all going wrong to ruin my day, and like I was constantly on edge. I was worried it was going to harm my relationships and my personality as a whole.

I also wanted to quit biting my nails. Something I have done as long as I can remember. Cindy does an excellent job at getting to know you and helping you reach your goals.

I don’t bite my nails anymore, I have a new sense of excitement for new things. I feel way less burdened by stress and overthinking. My nails are long and strong. I'm more able to regulate my feelings and emotions. I feel more confident. I can't believe how much better I feel. You were a HUGE HELP!”

- Abbie G., Virginia

“I have enjoyed the time we have spent together and the growth I have seen in myself with the ability to overcome my anxiety and find the confidence to conquer it. I needed something different to try since I have tried many other things. The treatment was based on exactly what I needed… You listened to what I was saying and helped me choose the path I needed to go.”

— Jennifer, Virginia


“In the beginning, I didn't realize how much work the process would be and how easy and rewarding it was. My challenge was anxiety, and Cindy pointed a direction through hypnosis and I followed it, because it just made sense. The situations still occur of course, but it is my REACTION to the STRESSORS that has changed. It is like I am on the outside looking in, my life is just so much easier.”

— C.H., Virginia


Gain Greater Control Over Stress & Anxiety

Two happy women in wildflower field having greater control over stress and anxiety.

The research is out there… if you have greater control over the stress in your life, you’ll feel better and live longer!

  • Your immune system will be stronger

  • Your stamina will increase

  • You’ll make better decisions

  • The overall quality of your life will be significantly enhanced

  • You’ll experience less anger, less fear, less physical discomfort and have a greater sense of overall happiness and well-being

  • You’ll have more energy

  • You’ll be more effective in your every-day life

  • You’ll have access to your body’s natural ability for instant calm and deeper states of relaxation

  • You’ll change your response to stress and worry and stay at your best for longer

What’s Happening in the Body?


Acute Stress Response

Your body’s natural physiological response to stress is to motivate you and prepare you to be able to do whatever is necessary for you to survive the situation that you’re facing by being able to immediately react.

It does this with the release of hormones like adrenaline and cortisol that increase your heart rate, pump blood into your limbs- away from areas of the body with lesser importance at the time, like your digestive, reproductive and immune systems and also away from your RATIONAL THINKING BRAIN.

Your pupils dilate to help you see, your mind becomes hyper-vigilant, and your blood sugar levels go up providing you with a burst of energy. All to give you what you need in order to intently work, fight or get out of the way of danger.

Stress hormone levels rise whenever our body notices a stressor - which today, could be an email from our boss, sleep deprivation, or our own to-do lists.

In a HEALTHY STRESS RESPONSE, the stress hormone levels rise and fall quickly— as soon as the presumed threat is out of the way.


Worry does have an important function in our lives. When we think about an uncertain or unpleasant situation - such as not finishing a project on time or doing badly in an exam - our brains become stimulated which is likely to lead to problem solving or taking action, both of which are positive things.

Worry is helpful only if it leads to change - not if it turns into obsessive thoughts that keep the stress hormone levels elevated.

Chronic Stress Response

So chronic stress is what happens when the perceived threat is always there and the stress hormone levels constantly stay elevated.

Often this is because situations never get resolved, like continual financial issues, working with a challenging boss, your phone constantly notifying you every minute, having emails stream in nonstop, or having a non-existent work/life balance.

Chronic stress is linked to health concerns such as digestive issues, an increased risk of heart disease and a weakening of the immune system. It can also lead to weight gain, insomnia, anxiety, thyroid issues, fatigue, autoimmune conditions and even the spread of cancer.


Anxiety can be seen as a general term for a number of chronic stress-related disorders with symptoms like feelings of nervousness, fear, apprehension and excessive worry.

These days, anxiety is more likely triggered by emotionally challenging situations, rather than life-threatening physical threats.

However, some people are not aware of WHY they’re anxious - they just are. Feelings of anxiety can be really persistent and for many it can be completely overwhelming, making it difficult to manage everyday life.

Anything can potentially “trigger” an anxiety episode, often without a person even being conscious of it. It could be a certain smell, an article being read, a particular person or even a sound that triggers the feelings of anxiety.

Round pink object with blue neuron pathways coming off demonstrating the Stress & Anxiety Response.

Chronic Stress & Anxiety: Signs & Symptoms

Stress can cause many different symptoms. It might affect how you feel physically, mentally and also how you behave. Often my clients don’t even recognize that stress is the root cause of how they feel.

Physical Symptoms.

  • headaches

  • dizziness or light-headedness

  • muscle tension or pain

  • stomach problems or nausea

  • chest pain or a faster heartbeat

  • sexual problems

  • shaking

  • over-breathing (hyperventilating)

  • feeling hot

  • numbness or tingling in the face or extremities

Mental Symptoms.

  • difficulty concentrating

  • struggling to make decisions

  • feeling overwhelmed

  • constantly worrying

  • being forgetful

  • low sense of personal accomplishment

  • emotional exhaustion

  • feeling unreal or detached from yourself and the world

Behavioral Symptoms.

  • being irritable and snappish

  • avoiding certain places, situations or people

  • sleeping too much or too little

  • eating too much or too little

  • drinking or smoking more

Not everyone who is stressed experiences every symptom.

The signs and symptoms of stress will vary greatly from person to person, as the experience of stress is very individual – it can show up in unpredictable ways, from sudden bursts of aggression to unexplained illness.

Symptoms may be directly related to a specific stressful event, such as an argument with a colleague, an upcoming event, or they may be the result of an accumulation of pressures over time. They could also be due to the retriggering of old traumatic events that have not been fully processed, unmet core needs resurfacing and/or negative self-talk.

Remember, thoughts create feelings… and NEGATIVE thoughts create NEGATIVE feelings.