Frequently Asked Questions

What to Expect in a Discovery Session.

We'll discover more about each other as we engage over Zoom online Video Conferencing app or over a phone call. I’ll answer any questions that you may have about the hypnosis process and our working together.

You'll share more about your issue and what you want to change and achieve. The benefit of this call is to help you focus on your goals— what you want to accomplish… what stories or things you are ready to let go of, so that we can then refine and set the plan for your success.

And if I feel I can help you, I'll explain what all that entails, give my specific program recommendation, the cost associated with it and what you need do to get this journey started.

While hypnosis can often produce instant results, lasting change is more often achieved over the course of a series of sessions and personal growth is not one size fits all. For that reason, I do not offer individual sessions, unless you’re participating in a Mind, Body, Spirit Hypnotic Spa Offering which are mostly single sessions.

This model allows for an effective series of sessions with continued reinforcement, self-hypnosis training, and proper customization for your unique set of needs. Many of my clients achieve the results they are seeking in a short time period—after all, these modalities are fast acting and can take you to the next level quickly! However, for those who have more to address, we will discuss how to best support you in moving forward once we’re toward the end of the original hypnotic transforming program agreement.

What to Expect in your First Session.

For your first session, I’ll schedule two hours to fully get to know you, discuss your needs, strengths, resources and desired outcomes in more depth, answer any further questions or concerns you may have about hypnosis, teach you simple self-hypnosis, and guide you through a powerful short trance conditioning session.

What to Expect in Subsequent Sessions.

“If you do what you have always done, you get what you have always got.”

-Mark Twain

Subsequent sessions last anywhere from 75-120 minutes.

Each session will include a review of progress, an agreement on the session’s goal (which will always focus on helping you master solutions and create resource states that you can take from the live virtual sessions into your everyday life situations), psycho education, and post session work to be completed between our sessions.

I focus on solutions focused approaches and I am completely invested in seeing you make powerful and positive changes in your life, and this work takes time and commitment on your part.

It’s a partnership, I’m the tour guide navigating the hypnotic journey, and the more you commit to fully participate in the sessions, involve yourself in the processes or techniques, and diligently carry out any post session work, the better and more far reaching the success you will experience.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is being in a NATURAL STATE OF MIND where awareness has been heightened and you’ve become more open or receptive to suggestions, thoughts, and feelings experienced through your IMAGINATION, body and all your senses. You experience this natural state of mind many times throughout your day. One situation is when you’re focused intently on what you’re doing, and everything else seems to have dissolved away.

As a hypnotist I’m trained in the art of relaxing a critical element or barrier in the mind, that metaphorically, is like a guard at the gateway between the Conscious and Unconscious Mind. And once this barrier has relaxed, in COLLABORATION with you, we utilize the language of the unconscious mind, effective change techniques, direct communication of suggestions and rehearsal of behavior change which can bring about rapid change and healing.

Is Hypnosis Safe?

What if I get Stuck in Hypnosis?

Yes, it’s absolutely safe and you will not get stuck in it. It’s a natural state of mind that you go in and out of regularly throughout your day including the moments just prior to falling asleep and right after waking up. Just as you can’t get stuck in sleep you can’t be stuck in hypnosis.

In 1958 the American Medical Association and the American Psychiatric Association recognized hypnosis as a useful technique, and there has never been a case of anyone being harmed by hypnosis. The only time it could lead to a harmful situation is if you’re listening to a hypnotic recording while driving or operating machinery. So, please don’t do it!

Will I Be Made to Do Things I Don’t Want to Do?

Will I Lose Control?

Absolutely NOT to both questions. Not only would I NOT WANT to make you do something you don’t want to do, I actually CAN’T MAKE YOU do something you don’t want to do. It needs to be your choice.

Hypnosis is not mind control. Hollywood and stage shows portray it like it’s mind control as it makes for great entertainment. Please know that the people who volunteer for stage shows do so knowing they’ll be doing silly things. So, they’re willing to do the silly things the hypnotist tells them to do.

The goal of a therapeutic hypnotist like me is to get you to be more in control of your own mind and do what it is that you are wanting to do. Therefore, the mutually agreed upon suggestions I give you, will be to help you stop old unsupportive patterns of behavior that your unconscious mind runs automatically, and instead develop new supportive patterns of behavior that better fit your goals and objectives.

We’re PARTNERS in this process. I do need you to WILLINGLY follow my instructions. So, you’ll need to want to make the changes we’re focusing on, because I can’t make the changes for you, and I can’t make you, make the changes.

What am I to Expect?

What does Hypnosis Feel Like?

You’ll be active and alert the entire time. You’ll hear everything I say and remember as much as you would in any normal conversation. You can move, scratch or cough as you need to and you’ll be able to talk to me while hypnotized.

No two people are alike – and no two people react the same way. One person may feel a ‘heavy’ sensation, another feel a ‘light’ sensation and another feel both types of sensations or a a dreamlike feeling. Then you might just feel like you usually feel when you’re lying in your bed or relaxing in a chair.

There’s no one specific hypnotized feeling. Other things you may or may not notice are fluttering eyes, a change in your breathing, perception of your body and heightened sounds around you, stillness in your body, and your pulse might change.

Because I’ll make the suggestion, you’ll likely experience a deep sense of relaxation. You’ll also experience your imagination because we’ll be relying on it as part of our process.

I’ve never met anyone who hasn’t completely enjoyed it.


What if I Can’t be Hypnotized?

Anyone can be hypnotized if they want to be. If you don’t want to be hypnotized, then I can’t force you into hypnosis. If you simply allow yourself to participate and follow my instructions, you can and will be hypnotized.

You never lose self-control and given the potential benefits, it doesn't make sense for anyone to pay me for my time, and then resist the process. It’s my job though to find the key method to help you achieve a state of hypnosis. My motto is, if a particular method isn’t working, use another method until I find one that works. However, you’re willingness is still a key requirement.

If you think and worry you’ll be difficult to hypnotize, then let’s get your unconscious mind working for you by asking yourself this question over and over and over again until our first session, ‘As I easily go into a hypnotic state, how will I make the necessary changes I need to make while enjoying every minute of the process?’ Any answers you happen to get, write them down and share them with me.

The depths and response levels of hypnosis do differ from person to person. Evidence shows that one can advance their hypnotic responsiveness with repetition and conditioning which we will do. Also, change work can and does happen in the lightest of hypnotic states as well as in the deeper states.

How Effective is Online Video Conferencing Hypnosis?

So, it turns out that the online hypnosis session is actually just as effective as in person, if not a little bit more. And that tends to be true for three simple reasons.

First of all, reason number one, at some point in the hypnotic process you close your eyes and you listen to me. So, once your eyes are closed and you're listening to me, it really doesn't matter whether you're in the same physical room or listening comfortably at home.

Second of all, the change doesn't happen in the room. When you really think about it, the change occurs inside your head. So you know what? Wherever your head is, we can do the work.

And the third point is the interesting one because chances are your problem is not based on a situation sitting inside of a hypnotist’s office. No, the situation you're wanting to resolve, the problem you're wanting to get rid of, is something you're running into day-to-day in your life. So, this is a really cool thing that we can actually do the work of hypnosis very often in the environment where you want to notice that change.

What if I’m just Curious…

but Not Quite Ready to Make any Big Changes?

Timing is everything. You need to really want the change you are seeking, and I get that. Transformation isn’t easy. It takes work and a commitment to both yourself and the process.

Therefore, I would steer you towards the Mind, Body & Spirit Hypnotic Spa Offerings where you will find opportunities to experience hypnosis in a one or two themed session. This can be a way of exploring and becoming more comfortable with the idea of using hypnosis to make changes.

Are Results Guaranteed?

Hypnosis is a very powerful process that has helped millions of people make changes that you want to make in your life. However, hypnosis is not "mind control." For example, no one, not even the very best hypnotist, could MAKE you change your habits or behaviors.

Ultimately, responsibility for the change is a shared agreement. There is always a human factor. Doctors don't guarantee that you will get well. Teachers can't guarantee that you will learn, and lawyers can't guarantee that you will "win" your case.

Like the other healing arts, the practice of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, is not an exact science: Therefore, results are not guaranteed nor are refunds given for services rendered.

What I can guarantee is the very best service using current information and appropriate hypnotic, coaching and change techniques for your situation.

Mosaic that says IMAGINE. Which is what you will use during these hypnotic experiences.

Does Insurance Cover Hypnosis?

Unfortunately, at this point in time, most insurance will not pay for hypnosis. I do not bill insurance. If your insurance covers hypnosis, I would be happy to give you a statement of services for your pursuit of reimbursement.

If you have a Flexible Spending Account or a Health Savings Account, it might help pay for your sessions, however you will need to contact your Flexible Spending Plan Coordinator for confirmation.

  Why Such Difficulty Doing This Myself?

Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.
— Earl Nightingale

Have you ever wondered why sometimes it seems so easy to make a change and other times it feels impossible? Have you tried to CHANGE A HABIT or become MORE SELF-MOTIVATED only to find a part of your mind resisting the change?

Well, you’re bumping up against your unconscious mind which is running your life based on good and bad information that it stored from previous experiences.

Your unconscious mind, from birth, is constantly interpreting each experience you have and storing that information for future reference.

In fact, every new experience is filtered through that filed away information, resulting in your CONSCIOUS MIND and your body, being guided by your unconscious mind’s findings, and most often without you even being aware of it.

Here’s the Kicker…

The unconscious mind DOES NOT REASON – it accepts everything as truth. Now, what this gives you though, is an opportunity to inform your mind of exactly what it is you want! Except, I’m guessing that your communication with it hasn’t been working out for you!

Well the problem is… you must clearly and consitently speak the language that your unconsious mind understands!

The unconscious mind uses a DIFFERENT LANGUAGE of communication than our conscious mind. It actually communicates through IMAGINATION, images and metaphors, where our conscious mind communicates through logic and reasoning. So basically, it hasn’t understood what you’ve wanted-there’s been too much MISCOMMUNICATION!

10% Conscious Mind and 90% Unconscious Mind with descriptions of each.

So, how we communicate with our unconscious mind is key. Why? Well… as you’ve experienced- logic with its willpower may win a battle or two but the war on change ultimately is won by the imagination.

The thoughts you think and grab onto and the words you say to yourself, create images or pictures (you may not consciously be aware of) that are communicating constantly with your unconscious mind.

So, learning how to effectively and consistently use your imagination to align your conscious intentions, wishes, and motivations with the intentions, wishes, and motivations of your unconscious mind, will greatly enhance your ability to change your life in profoundly positive ways.

How HYPNOSIS Comes into Play...

Hypnosis gives us DIRECT ACCESS to the unconscious mind, which virtually unlocks the door to solutions and the ability to make permanent changes.

Here’s where I come into the picture… being skilled in the art and science of hypnosis, coaching and communication with the unconscious, after determining what you specifically want, I’ll utilize these skills to customize a plan and guide you to the right places for making the desired changes necessary for your forward success.

Please know that I’m like a TOUR GUIDE educating, HELPING YOU create new maps to follow and leading YOU through powerful change and hypnotic experiences where YOU will HEAL YOURSELF.

The actual POWER OF CHANGE is within your unconscious mind, in your willingness to use your imagination as directed, as well as in completion of post session actions.