Sleep Better Hypnosis

Imagine waking, after a Wonderful Night’s Sleep… feeling well-rested, refreshed & ready to start your day.

Smiling woman waking from a wonderful nights sleep, feeling well-rested, refreshed & ready to start her day!

Let me help you get better sleep, so you can enjoy the benefits that come from a well-rested mind and body. Let’s change your life for the better by treating your sleep problems naturally with evidence-based hypnosis & mindfulness techniques.

We’ll start by looking at everything around your sleep habits. I’ll gather information about current patterns surrounding your sleep, or lack thereof, and your specific desires for sleep.

From there, I’ll customize a plan for shifting those ineffective patterns, and for helping your deeper mind relearn how to get better sleep, more consistently and more naturally.

You’ll also learn ways to begin to help your deeper mind know exactly what you’re wanting it to do in order to continue building on the healthy sleep patterns wired into it during our sessions.

My clients experience the best results when they also implement the appropriate and effective sleep hygiene habits found below.

Let’s Talk… For Better Sleep, Take The Next Step

Neuron and pathways coming off with the idea that healing happens during sleep so we need to sleep better.

Healing Happens During Sleep…

You’re meant to spend about a third of your life sleeping. That’s when your body does most of its repairs. In fact, your mind and body have amazing restorative powers.

Your mind and body know how to heal themselves and most of the healing and restoring is done during DEEP SLEEP. The deeper you sleep, the more efficiently your body is able to heal itself and leave you with an even stronger immune system.

Your brain also processes your emotions while you sleep. You’ll likely experience more negative emotional reactions and less positive ones when that process is cut short. If you have insomnia, you're five times more likely to develop depression, and your odds of experiencing anxiety or panic disorders are even greater according to some research.

As a hypnotherapist, I can help you improve both the quantity and quality of your sleep, thus boosting your immune system’s ability to heal and keep you healthier.


Sharper Brain

When you're running low on sleep, it’s more difficult to hold onto and recall details. That's because sleep plays a big part in the process of learning and memory. During sleep, your brain moves data from “short-term storage” into “long-term storage.” It needs time during sleep to properly store memories so you can pull them up later.

Weight Control

Being sleep-deprived messes with the appetite controlling hormones leptin and ghrelin. When those hormones are out of balance, your RESISTANCE to eating unhealthy foods goes way down. And when you're tired, you're less likely to be motivated to move your body. When you're well-rested, you're less hungry and less tempted to eat unhealthy foods.

Healthier Heart

The less sleep you get, the longer your blood pressure stays up during a 24-hour cycle. High blood pressure can lead to heart disease, including stroke. While you sleep, your blood pressure goes down, giving your heart and blood vessels a chance to relax.

Help With Insomnia


“I’m having trouble sleeping at night.”

Are you not sleeping because of a past event that’s causing you emotional pain, a future event that’s causing anxiety, or are you unsure about what’s actually bothering you? There you are in bed and you can’t get your mind to stop thinking about this and that… And the harder you try to fall asleep, the more awake and alert you become... leaving you frustrated, helpless and at a loss for what to do next.

As a hypnotherapist, I can help you access those thoughts or feelings that are keeping you up at night, allow space for you to work through them so you can begin to easily fall and stay asleep. We’ll work together to retrain your deeper mind to recognize when it’s time to quiet your thoughts and simply drift into a restful, restorative sleep.

“I’m having trouble sleeping through the night.”

Since sleep is an unconscious behavior, it means you don’t have conscious control over the function of moving from sleep to waking. Your deeper mind may have a necessary biological reason for you waking up in the middle of the night, or it might just be an unnecessary habit at this point.

Hypnosis is an ideal method for connecting with the deeper unconscious mind in order to discover what’s behind a habit as well as helping retrain the automatic response of waking up unnecessarily in the middle of the night. If there’s a necessary reason to wake up in the middle of the night, your mind can be retrained to just as easily allow you to fall right back to sleep.

“I have anxiety about sleep.”

Pink analog alarm clock displaying 2am as if someone has insomnia and is having trouble sleeping.

It’s getting closer to bedtime and you start thinking about not being able to get to sleep, because you know it’s going to be a problem since you struggle with sleep issues pretty much most nights. “Anticipatory anxiety”… “anxiety insomnia treatments”… “stop these repeating thoughts that are driving me crazy and are keeping me from getting sleep”… just might be some of the things you’ve used to surf the internet looking for help!

I’m glad you landed on my website, because I can help with this issue. Basically bedtime has become a trigger for anxiety, instead of a trigger for sleep. We’ll reset that trigger so your mind starts to see all the preparatory things you do before going to sleep as triggers to start calming and relaxing your mind and body.

Good sleep comes from within. It comes from internal relaxation that allows your eyelids to close peacefully, without exerting any energy yourself. I’ll show you how to let thoughts just float by instead of grabbing hold of them and letting them loop inside your head, which causes your body to wake up when it should be calming down.

“I’ve got sleep apnea and I’m having difficulty getting used to the C-Pap.”

So you’ve been having trouble getting quality sleep and the treatment prescribed is causing even more problems because you’re not comfortable using it. Maybe it’s wearing the mask or the feel of the air pressure or even sleeping on your back that is causing discomfort.

Utilizing hypnosis, I can help you overcome some of the discomforts and adapt to a new way of living so you can use the C-Pap and begin to change your life for the better.


Here’s What to Do Next…

Think how good you’ll feel after a great night’s sleep!

What People are Saying

I went looking for help because I desperately needed to be able to sleep with my new CPAP mask, but I couldn't get the hang of it. I could only sleep for an hour before waking up with a nightmare or clawing the mask off of my face. By the time I found Cindy's website, I was willing to try anything. Thankfully, Cindy proved up to the challenge!

After four sessions, I was able to sleep peacefully through the night with my mask on. It was amazing. Now I get the rest I need, and I've learned other useful relaxation and concentration skills, as well. Plus I can relax and modulate my emotions more easily.

-MD, Virginia

Healthy Sleep Hygiene Habits.

Unwind Before Bed

Leave the day's stress at the bedroom door.

5-10 minutes of breathing meditation can help to relax your body, reduce your stress, and dampen your racing mind.

Gratitude journaling each night (for a few minutes) can help you reflect on the positive events of the day and ensure a postitive mindset prior to falling asleep.

Keep a worry list. Writing down any worries that are on your mind, or things you want to achieve the next day can help rest your mind prior to falling asleep.

A warm bath 2 hours before bedtime may help you relax before bed.

Associate Your Bed With Sleep

If you start to associate your bed with work-related tasks such as emailing or spreadsheets, it will become a less relaxing environment.

Keep your bedroom for sleep, sex and relaxation only.

Eating at Night

Don’t go to bed hungry or too full.

Drastic changes in blood sugar levels & stimulating foods late at night can cause sleep disruptions.

Having a light snack or warm milk may help you fall asleep.

Bed Time Routines

Keeping a regular bedtime prepratory routine each night (such as brushing teeth, washing face, getting into pajama’s, listening to soft music or reading, etc.) will give your brain a signal to begin preparing for sleep, and your physiology will respond accordingly.

Go to bed at the same time each night & wake at the same time each morning even on weekends. Irregular sleep times can disrupt sleep.

If you wake up at night, try cutting out your daily naps. If you do take a nap, limit it to no more than 30 minutes.

Quiet, Cool & Dark Bedroom

The right atmosphere can help you fall asleep. Get rid of anything in your bedroom that might distract you from sleep including things emitting light that can’t be turned off.

Try earplugs, eye shades or a white noise machine to help mask background sounds.

Keep the room temperature cool and the humidity controlled.

Wear loose-fitting nightclothes, and ensure your pillow and mattress are as comfortable as possible.

Eliminate Distractions

If you catch yourself watching the clock, turn it around.

If you find yourself still awake after staying in bed for more than 20 min, get up and do a relaxing activity until you feel sleepy.

If your pets keep you up, keep them in another room.

If your phone vibrates, turn it off.

Limit Screen Time

The blue light emitted from computers, phones and TV screens can impact your circadian rhythm. Limit technology use prior to bedtime, especially the hour before.

Read a book/audio book. Audio books are a great way to limit screen time and you can listen to them while relaxing in bed. A good old-fashioned paperback book is also great!

Avoid Stimulants

If caffeine, tobacco and alcohol are taken too close to bedtime, they can cause your sleep to be lighter and increase your need to get up more often to visit the bathroom.

Exercise Everyday

Being active during the day will improve your sleep at night, however avoid vigorous exercise less than 3 hours before bedtime.

Here’s What to Do Next…


Sources 9 Hygiene Tips