Mind, Body & Spirit Hypnotic Spa Offerings.


A Gift to Your Soul…


Like A Day at the Spa Experience…


These offerings are about setting aside time to rejuvenate your soul and experience mind, body and spirit healing through deep hypnotic relaxation, emotional release or spiritual connection. Whether you have had a hard time lately, preparing for an upcoming stressful event, or just making an act of self love and exploration, these sessions will most assuredly leave you feeling refreshed, renewed and absolutely wonderful.

These 60-90 minute sessions can stand alone or be grouped in a package. It’s your choice. They make great gifts not only for your soul, but also for your friend’s and family’s souls. In fact, get a group of no more than 6 of your friends or family together for a one of a kind group experience and receive the group pricing!

Mind, Body & Spirit Hypnotic Spa Session Descriptions.

Sacred Peaceful Place Journey

Break the stress-filled trance that you find yourself experiencing now and strengthen your ability to become calm, peaceful and present during future stressful events.

The residual effects of this journey will be like taking a relaxing vacation and returning back to your daily life feeling more relaxed, present, recharged and renewed.

You’ll also return from this journey with a hypnotic gesture that you can use to bring yourself back to this peaceful, relaxed present state anytime, anywhere and nobody will know you’re doing it.

Self-Hypnosis Light Switch Method

Learn how to hypnotize yourself quite easily, quite simply. By layering a few simple concepts together, you’ll be able to enter a deep healing positive state of hypnosis on your own, literally at the drop of a finger.

Learn how to take control of how you feel, of your actions, your behaviors… how to easily redirect the momentum of your life by learning a process of self-hypnosis in which you can reprogram yourself for success.

You’ll learn the process while hypnotized which will exponentially help with retention, then you’ll practice the process with my guidance to reinforce the anchor. Included is a powerful audio recording to use for a period of time to help reinforce the process.

Inner Healing Journey

Connect with the wisdom of your body, mind, and spirit and your natural abilities for self-healing.

On this journey you’ll release all the things in your life that are outworn or inhibiting your healing, receive inner gifts, be introduced to your Inner Healer who will support your continued development of your own ability to heal from within.

This journey is meant to be used as an adjunct to your regular medical care; it is not intended as a medical treatment or as a substitution for medical care.

Flame of Freedom

Fire has always represented cleansing and renewal. After being led to a place deep inside where the Flame of Freedom burns, you’ll have the opportunity to experience a deep energetic clearing of negative energies from previous experiences in your life that you’re ready to release, an expansion of your positive energies, and an opportunity to welcome a lost aspect or quality of yourself back into your life.

This powerful healing experience will leave you feeling empowered, connected, and in a positive state of mind.

No groups.

Past Life Regression

While in trance, with your intention in mind, you’ll be guided back in time to explore a past life. Your higher self, power animal or unconscious mind will take you to the life(s) that will be the most important for you to explore for the purpose of resolving issues from the past that are hindering your current life in some way.

Clients who have explored their past lives have received remarkable insight into their life and greater understanding of their own special journey and character.

There are people who believe and those that don’t, and a number of ideas about what’s really happening in a past life regression. What matter’s most isn’t whether or not a person really lived the life they remember, it’s whether they released their fear or gained clarity, insight or comfort from it, or in some way their current life is benefited.

2 Session Requirement. No groups.

Meet & Journey with Your Spirit Animal

Each animal has a specific way of being in the world that translates into specific qualities from which we can learn.

Meeting your animal is the first step to understanding your own personality and learning how to express it. Your animal reflects your personal qualities and helps you develop the personality which will serve you best.

Your animal is an ally and a means for which you can begin to find your center and your own guidance in the world. Our power animals become our friends and act as support when we’re feeling alone or confused or unsure. They offer us insights into how to deal with our problems and they give us sound advise.

As you build a relationship with your animal, you’re building a bridge into self-validation. You’ll eventually stop looking for approval or permission from outside of yourself and start confidently living from that inner voice coming from within your heart.

You’ll have the opportunity to learn how to ground and connect to the earth, meet and develop a relationship with your animal, and be taken on a journey by your animal to provide insight into an issue that you bring to the session.

An audio recording for a Meditation where you’ll have the opportunity to ground and interact with your animal is included.

Here’s What to Do Next:

Let’s briefly chat and then we’ll schedule your session(s). Schedule either a quick Zoom Chat or a Phone Call below.


What People Are Saying

I experienced more than I thought with the journey (past life) and the stone reading. It was perfect!

— Jackie, Virginia

“I found all of my sessions to be invaluable help. I believe our first session was a tremendous value for me to get started digging into a deeper level of self-growth. I feel very fortunate to have worked with Cindy. I am very grateful.”

— B.K., Virginia