Hypnosis for


Bad Habits


Got a habit that’s interferring with your life?

Just imagine now… What it’ll be like when that habit is no longer there.

Eliminate Unwanted Habits.

  • Stop Smoking

  • Lose Weight

  • Quit Biting Nails

  • Minimize or Eliminate Drinking

  • And more…



  • Stop hypnotizing yourself into believing that you can’t quit or stop this behavior! And harness the power of your thoughts, feelings & behaviors, so they’re working with you, instead of against you.

  • Effectively communicate with your unconscious mind, and essentially take control of your life.

  • Get results even where willpower has failed you in the past.

  • Stop the emotional triggers that cause you to do this behavior.

  • Tap into what’s great about you, enhance those strengths, use them to easily let go of that issue you’re so ready to resolve & then be well on your way to happily living life without that habit!

  • Generate new behaviors that actually support you and benefit your highest emotional needs.

  • Continue to positively direct your own life by learning effective self-hypnosis!


What’s Happening in Your Brain?

Our lives are run by habits of action or prelearned patterns stored in our brain. Our unconscious mind operates our lives in a very efficient way, through automatically repeating prelearned patterns whenever it gets the neurological signal to run the pattern.

This is why, when we first learn something, we kind of fumble because our unconscious mind has YET TO LEARN the pattern. We go through 4 stages of learning:

  1. Conscious Incompetence

  2. Conscious Competence

  3. Unconscious Incompetence

  4. Unconscious Competence


Once it has reached the 4th stage, the unconscious mind will run that pattern without much conscious involvement. And the more the pattern is run, the more ingrained it becomes in the neurology of the brain.

This is why we can think about other things simultaneously while we are walking, talking, driving, washing the dishes… our mind can go somewhere else or be thinking about other things and we still get where we are going or complete the job. It’s truly beautiful how our mind works!

UNFORTUNATELY, most of us were not taught how to stop our unconscious mind from running a pattern that’s UNSUPPORTIVE and NEGATIVELY impacting us. And because of that, our efforts ultimately get us nowhere and leave us with a sense of powerlessness and hopelessness.

And in some cases, we may get lost in the emotional turmoil of it all because the habit is a protective coping mechanism that gets triggered when the emotion gets triggered, and that sends us down an emotional rabbit hole without the skills and resources we need to effectively deal with the issue. It’s like getting emotionally hijacked with no pilot to guide us safely home.

The GOOD NEWS is you can learn how to communicate effectively with your unconscious mind and make powerful changes in your life. With hypnosis, emotions can be desensitized, resources realized, control regained, and new behaviors generated and installed that actually support you and benefit your highest emotional, physical, mental and spiritual needs.


Just imagine… The habit’s now gone.

The emotional trigger’s now gone.

How does that feel?

What People are Saying.

“After years of battling to stop biting my nails whenever I was nervous or upset, I decided to try hypnosis with Cindy.

First, she carefully explained how hypnosis might help me and what to expect during our work together. Also, she assured me that even while I was hypnotized, I would always be in control. Then, she inquired about my nail-biting behavior. This could have made me anxious, but Cindy was a good listener. She was non-judgmental and accepting and made me feel comfortable and cared for. She was thoroughly professional, and I trusted her.

My experiences with Cindy were informative, eye-opening, and empowering. They left me feeling more relaxed and more positive about myself, and I even had fun.

A year later, I no longer bite my nails...well almost never...and I know now what I can do to help myself when I start to slip. I no longer identify myself as a nail-biter. I feel in control, finally, of a behavior that I had struggled with all my life. That’s priceless.

Cindy enabled me, through hypnosis, to make that happen. I highly recommend her to anyone interested in hypnosis and in making lasting life changes. ”

— J.B., Virginia


“I first came to see you to help me control my eating. But when the session started other issues arose that I wasn’t expecting. Like wanting to belong but not knowing what that meant. The answer came during our sessions and I feel complete having it.

And now at the end of our sessions together, I am controlling my eating and learning how to balance my diet to benefit me the most. As of today, I have lost 17 pounds and I am feeling better every day. Thank you so much Cindy. ”

— L.J., Virginia


“The most important goal was to stop drinking.  Cindy insisted on getting to the root cause of my issues with alcohol thus exposing issues I had with acceptance, with my fear of disappointing people, issues related to personal worth and feelings of undervaluing my decision making . She worked with me very uniquely, teaching me strategies to use to bolster my opinion of my own self-worth.

It was a far richer experience than I had been expecting.  I have not only stopped drinking, but have lost 10 pounds, and enjoy what I see as freedom from an addiction that had been very troubling to me.

I have noticed a level of peace and joy that I have not experienced for quite a while. I feel relaxed and focused and have a better opinion of myself and my abilities. Cindy is a consummate professional and I felt safe and felt honored to have her so dedicated to helping me become a better, healthier, happier version of me.”

— Jane, Virginia


Let This Be You…

Learn how to take control of that unhealthy habit!