Hypnosis for Self-Esteem




& Self-Love


Building Better Relationships


Never questioning her worth,

for she knows who she is...

Are you caught in A PARALYZING TRANCE feeling Unworthy, Inadequate or Disconnected?

Are you ready to LET GO of the blame game, STOP judging yourself, and be Open, Receptive, & Intimate with others?


 Healing happens when we learn to love those places within us that feel neglected, abandoned, unsafe or unworthy.

- Charmayne Kilcup

“Heal Your Heart”

Healing How We Relate…


What’s Going On Here?


Romantic relationships, work relationships, relationships with family and friends, they’re…



And the relationship we have with ourselves is the result of the experiences we had early on in our life when we were dependent on others to teach and care for us.

We learned WHO WE ARE and HOW THE WORLD WORKS by way of these early experiences.

As it continues to do so today, early in our life our mind filtered through the incoming sensory data, interpreted each experience, categorized that information and filed it away to be used as a reference for interpreting new experiences.

And, as we go about our lives, every new experience is filtered through that first stored information-now considered fact by our unconscious.

So think about it… we are actually being guided by the basic interpretations and beliefs created from a child’s LIMITED PERSPECTIVE.

And you wonder why even though you know you can do something, you just can’t seem to get past that feeling of inadequacy, or whatever that feeling is that stops you in your tracks or causes you to become defensive or overwhelmed.

Those early beliefs cause sensations, feelings and emotions in our body that determine how we respond and react to ourselves, to others, and also who we’re attracted to.

The conscious mind is usually completely unaware that the unconscious is picking up on the gestures, body language, and micro-expressions of a person whose issues fit perfectly with our own in a way that guarantees a reenactment of the old, familiar struggles we grew up with-our unfinished business or unprocessed emotional experiences.

Our unconscious is doing its best to bring closure to these struggles. And since the way these struggles came about was through relationship, relationship is where it will be healed. Starting with the relationship you have with yourself.


How To Solve It

Using hypnosis, we can communicate directly with the unconscious mind (FAQ Page, “Why Such Difficulty Doing This Myself?” at bottom of page), locate the original “blueprint” for relationships, and heal those earlier memories by bringing to them, by way of the imagination, a new expanded interpretation of what those EXPERIENCES MEAN about you as a PERSON.

Understanding the brain science of neuroplasticity and memory reconsolidation, and utilizing the fact that the unconscious mind doesn’t distinguish between reality, imagination and memories, you can change those early childhood imprints of neglect, abandonment, harm, inadequacy, unworthiness and rejection by helping your unconscious to experience those situations differently. By bringing love, affection, support, strength, respect or whatever the unconscious may need in order to bring about healing.

The Results

This doesn’t change what actually happened to you in the past. However, it does release the emotional charge, allow the memory to finally be integrated, and give your unconscious healthy references to filter future experiences through. As a result, the unconscious will reference the “new facts” that you are loved, respected, and safe and the old memory will no longer emotionally affect you.

You’ll also experience a change in the way you relate and respond to others as well as in how you treat yourself. As patterns of reactivity, judgment, and defensiveness begin to dissolve, you’ll begin to experience a richness in all your relationships, a greater sense of connection and closeness, and feel more known, accepted, and understood than possibly you’ve ever experienced before.

And it all starts with you having the courage to take the first step… Free Hypnotic Discovery Session


Take Yourself and Your Relationships to the NEXT LEVEL…

What People Are Saying

“I have improved in many ways and have a peacefulness in my life that I know is due to the work with Cindy. She helped me have compassion for myself, helped me listen to myself, helped me develop an enlightened perspective of myself and an openness to myself.”

— K.P., Virginia

“I searched out Empowered Hypnosis after my divorce and feeling "stuck" in an old mind set. Cindy's website was very professional and informative. Then I met Cindy and was blown away by her commitment to helping others improve their lives.

Cindy was excellent in helping me to really pinpoint my goals. The changes in my life have been incredible. I'm beyond grateful that I found Cindy. She has helped me change my life in a more positive direction. I feel free of the pain holding me back from my past and I feel excited about my future. I feel more confident and at peace. She's an amazing professional and person.”

— Chelsea, Virginia


“Through hypnosis Cindy helped me make some big shifts in my life! She's a gifted healer – she's a gem! She’s loving, kind and helpful and was one step ahead in figuring out my issues and then guiding me to the point of realizing them myself.

She did this in a kind but honest way, which enabled me to look at them and then more easily process through them. This is what I call self-empowering energy work.

We had a session that focused on self-love. Within that week, I used my newfound confidence and self-love to make several of the most important shifts in my life. I was able to call people out on their lack of integrity for example.

And in another session, I dealt with trust, discernment and boundaries. I finished up by feeling like a new person, ready to face the chaotic world we live in and remain within my center and able to cope better. I Am Eternally Grateful! What a Gift! Thank you, Cindy!”

— Janet, Virginia


What’s The Difference? Acceptance… Esteem… Love….


  • Self-acceptance is what allows you to be authentic— allowing more of the real inner you to be seen and experienced.

  • You unconditionally accept yourself despite your flaws, failures, and limitations. You feel that you’re enough without having to improve upon yourself. This is not about expanding your skills, abilities and capacities, it’s about who you are as a person, a spirit, a human.

  • You develop the ability to see yourself objectively and know you’ll be okay, despite the presence of negative emotions. This isn’t about transcending negativity. It simply means being present to yourself without resistance to yourself.

  • Your worth, value and existence as a human being are not up for debate, question or comparison by anyone including yourself, despite what others think or don’t think of you, or what they do or don’t do, or what they did or didn’t do for you or what you do or don’t do.

  • You accept at a deep internal level that you have a right to your uniqueness on this earth for no other reason than because you were born.

Self-Acceptance is the KEY to INTIMACY and enables you to accept others just as they are despite their flaws, failures, and limitations.

Happy couple dancing celebrating a healthy relationship.


  • Unlike self-acceptance which is steady and unconditional, self-esteem varies and is more tied to what you THINK and how you FEEL about yourself and your qualities and achievements.

  • Your estimation of yourself in some areas of your life may be more or less than what you think and feel about yourself in other areas.

  • And this estimation can fluctuate based on your stress level, illnesses, or big changes in your life.

  • Healthy self-esteem is in the middle of a continuum between low self-esteem and narcissism. We need attributes from both sides of the coin to have healthy self-esteem.

  • People with low self-esteem tend to focus on their flaws and have trouble acknowledging their assets, and thus believe they don’t deserve being esteemed. They also are influenced by what others think or feel about them.

  • People with over-inflated self-esteem (narcissists) have unrealistic opinions of themselves and their physical or mental attributes and have a tendency to blame others for their failures.

  • People with healthy self-esteem, are resilient and can acknowledge and accept their assets, strengths, flaws, failures and limitations. They believe in their ability to learn and overcome adversity— realizing that some days are better than others.

  • Of course, those with healthy self-esteem experience hurt and disappointment, but their setbacks neither damage nor diminish them.


Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
— Rumi


  • Self-love means that you accept yourself fully, treat yourself with kindness and respect, and nurture your growth and well-being.

  • It’s the culmination and integration of unconditional Self-Acceptance, Self-Worth, Self-Trust, Self-Esteem, Self-Nurturing, Self-Awareness, Self-Compassion, Self-Forgiveness, Self-Respect, Self-Expression, Courage, and truly the list goes on.

  • The greater your love of self, the greater your capacity to love others. The inverse is also true; hatred or loathing of others is indicative of self-hatred or self-loathing.

  • You express self-love by continually making empowering, loving choices which encompass different “acts of love” you perform toward yourself to fulfill your needs that leave you feeling connected, honored, accepted, and valued.

Woman sitting and The Best Gift is You written on the wall beside her.

Acts of Love

  • Only choosing to spend time in loving, respectful situations and relationships, including the one with yourself.

  • Staying true to yourself even if that means disappointing another.

  • All the self-nurturing acts you do to keep yourself healthy, like taking a bath, eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, exercising, spending time with people you love, listening to uplifting music, asking for help, and doing things that you love doing.

  • Meeting your own needs and asking others for help when you need their touch, understanding, support, and encouragement.

  • Listening to yourself with empathy, respect and understanding. Identifying at an emotional level with what internally you feel and need including giving yourself comfort in moments of distress.

Here’s What To Do Next…

Schedule a FREE Hypnotic Discovery Session with me.