You Can Overcome Your Fears

Got a fear that’s interfering with your life?

Just imagine now… What it’ll be like when that fear is no longer there.

Fear is Learned Behavior…

Usually, fears are quickly learned after having an extremely intense negative or traumatic experience with that animal, bee, spider, confined space, situation, person, etc. that you now fear.

When the unconscious mind tags something as a “THREAT” to your life, then it will continue to alert you to that threat whenever it shows up, or in some cases, just when it has the possibility of showing up because you think about it or something reminds you of it.

The unconscious brain has the ability to learn things quickly as well as take something specific and generalize it to include other things that are like it. This is how one negative experience with a large black dog can become a fear of all black dogs or all large dogs or even all dogs regardless of color.

Our unconscious also learns through repetition, so every time you reexperience that fear, and don’t interrupt that pattern, you’re confirming with the unconscious that it is a situation in which you need to be afraid, thus strengthening the fear response.

Not all fears are generated by an intense experience. Some come by way of family who instill into your unconscious at an early age the fear they themselves experience.

Fears can also happen as a conditioned response to prolonged low-level exposure to a physical or emotional pain-generating stimulus or situation.

Fear is an important part of our built-in protection mechanism and is essential to our survival. So, eliminating all fears from our life would not be wise.

For example, a fear of rattlesnakes will prevent us from getting too close to a rattlesnake. And if we’re getting too close, we want our innate fear response to be activated in this situation.

We want it telling us to “watch out” and “be careful.” We want it to keep us on our toes, to give us an adrenaline rush so if we need to run, or physically maneuver ourselves, we’ll be prepared and able to do so.


When a Fear Becomes Phobia

So, fear is not always bad. Like stress, it can be a good thing. It only becomes a problem when a fear has no basis or there’s no real harm and it’s negatively interfering or disrupting your life. The fear is labeled a phobia once it becomes irrational in nature.

Symptoms of fears can range from mild to severe. A phobic episode can typically bring a wide variety of symptoms, such as: anxiety, increased heart rate, palpitations, sweating, shaking, nausea, problems speaking, and feelings of powerlessness and terror.

Now some people are only mildly affected because they can avoid the thing they fear and when they think about it, they experience only mild anxiety.

Other people, though, can’t even THINK about the thing or situation without a full-blown panic attack instantly emerging. And even though they may know it’s irrational, they’re still unable to control their reaction.

These irrational fear responses are habitual and will continue until our unconscious mind:

  1. Learns that the stimulus is no longer a threat.

  2. Has learned new ways to respond.

  3. Believes that you are safe.

And since hypnosis allows us the ability to communicate DIRECTLY with the UNCONSCIOUS MIND, together we can dissolve that fear.

Some people know what event or experience triggers their fear while others have no recollection.

By targeting negative thoughts and emotions in relation to a fear whether those memories are repressed or remembered, the fears can be permanently and quickly dissolved or dialed down to an appropriate response level.


Whether it’s an extreme phobia you experience or just an annoying fear that you would rather not have, I’ll be happy to help you SET YOURSELF FREE from those anxious emotional responses you currently experience around that fear or phobia.

 Hypnosis is an Effective Method for Releasing even the Deepest-rooted Fears.

Some Fears & Phobias that Have Been Overcome with Hypnosis


Situational Fears or Phobias

  • Fear of Flying

  • Fear of Elevators

  • Fear of Driving

  • Fear of Tunnels

  • Fear of Confined or Crowded Spaces

  • Fear of Heights

  • Fear of Thunder & Lightning

  • Fear of Water

  • Fear of the Dark

Medical Fears or Phobias

  • Fear of Blood

  • Fear of Needles

  • Fear of Medical or Dental Procedures

  • Fear of Dying


Animal Fears or Phobias

  • Fear of Spiders

  • Fear of Snakes

  • Fear of Bees

  • Fear of Bugs

  • Fear of Dogs

  • Fear of Cats

  • Fear of Birds

  • Fear of Mice


“Fear doesn't exist anywhere except in the mind.”

Social Fears or Phobias

  • Fear of Making Mistakes

  • Fear of Public Speaking (75% of general pop.)

  • Fear of Being Shamed or Humiliated

  • Fear of Meeting New People (social situations)

  • Fear of Failure

  • Fear of Rejection

  • Fear of Being Alone

  • Fear of Intimacy

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.
— Unknown

One could develop a Fear or Phobia of just about ANTHING!

Of all the Liars in the World, sometimes the Worst are our own Fears.
— Rudyard Kipling

What People are Saying

It has been an amazing experience. The tools you gave me to overcome my fear have been enormously helpful to me living my life better and more whole. It blows my mind that I don't run away terrified from frogs and toads now. Extremely liberating!!

I don't constantly look around to see if there are any frogs around. I just go about my day and it's wonderful! Everything in my life is different! My whole mindset has shifted, and that is wild. I knew this would work, but I didn't know how well.

Thank you, 1000 times, over!!! I'm free to move about the garden and everywhere else!

-KEW, Virginia