Hypnosis for Self-Confidence



  • Rise to new challenges

  • Seize opportunities

  • Deal with difficult situations

  • Stand your ground

  • Trust & believe in yourself

  • Do things you thought were not possible

What’s Getting in the Way of Your Goals?

Habits of Negative Thoughts.

Habits of negative thought are formed by thinking negative or limiting thoughts over and over again. If you’re not consciously aware of the negative quality of some of your thoughts, you'll simply live according to those habits of limited beliefs even if they’re causing you to struggle and suffer.

So basically, the belief you have in your “inability to succeed” keeps you locked in a vicious cycle of low self-confidence.

Our Focus:

We’ll clean up old habits of negative thought that have been imprinted earlier in your life and rewire your brain to operate from more supportive thoughts.

Also, you’ll learn ways to become more acutely aware of the quality of your thoughts and how to control them.

Remember… thoughts create feelings and negative thoughts create negative feelings.


Your Inner Critic judges you, demeans you, and tells you who you should be according to its standards.

That voice might constantly question decisions, demand perfection, undermine accomplishments, push you to exhaustion, compare you to others, or not allow you to take risks. It tries to enforce these standards by attacking and shaming you when you fail to measure up or not heed its messages.

Our Focus:

You’ll learn how to communicate with your Inner Critic by getting to know it’s motivation, develop a better relationship with it, and ultimately transform it.

Also, we’ll work toward developing your Inner Champion which will support you in being yourself and feeling good about yourself in the face of Inner Critic messages.

The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking.
— Albert Einstein

Perceived Threats.

The Nervous System’s alarm is activated when unprocessed emotional memories or unmet core needs are triggered by a thought or experience, that’s UNCONSCIOUSLY perceived as threatening to your life.

When the protective part of your nervous system is activated, very quickly you’ll begin experiencing rapid heart rate, rapid breathing, and foggy thinking because of the chemicals being pumped into you by this protective system. Essentially, you’re being prepared to either fight, run or freeze because you’re mind and body are not feeling safe.

Fear of being judged, rejected, or abandoned for not perfectly performing, not perfectly looking good, not living up to real or perceived expectations of others or feeling inadequate when comparing yourself to others can all stem from unprocessed negative memories and unmet core developmental needs.

Our Focus:

We’ll work together to get to the root of the unmet core need and unprocessed memories, thus giving your brain the opportunity to process and integrate, while we’re installing beneficial resources that you can use to courageously and confidently move forward in your life.

Ultimately, we want these memories to no longer be experienced as a threat and you able to recognize and fulfill your own core needs.

Take your LIFE to the NEXT LEVEL…

Schedule a FREE Hypnotic Discovery Session with me.


  • Courage is the secret ingredient to overcoming the fear that stops you from taking action.

  • We often confuse self-confidence with courage. You must first have the courage to step into UNKNOWN territory before you can gain the experience that helps your confidence arise naturally.

  • Courage operates in the realm of the UNKNOWN, the uncertain, the uncharted. It’s the quality of your mind or spirit that enables you to take action, venture out of your COMFORT ZONE, and to persevere even in the face of fear, difficulty and possible danger.

  • We all need courage. Courage to face our fears, create new patterns and ways of being in the world, deepen our intimacy and trust, begin & end relationships, careers, or commitments.

  • Courage gives you control of your life… it gives you the ability to make decisions & take actions that are in your best interest.

My clients change their beliefs, inner dialogue, emotional triggers & fears that diminish the instinctive courage they were born with, allowing courage to take its rightful place in their lives.



  • Self-confidence operates in the realm of the KNOWN. It’s about TRUSTING yourself and believing in your ability or your aptitude to successfully, or at least adequately, engage in an experience.

  • It increases with repetitive actions and thoughts as well as through a neurological process called generalization whereby your brain’s neurology helps you connect experiences in one area of your life to other similar areas.

    When you have confidence in one area, you can feel confident in another area even if you’ve never specifically experienced that situation or task before.

“Belief without talent can take you further than talent without belief... but when you have both you are unstoppable.”

- Marisa Peer


“Take chances, make mistakes. That’s how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave.”

— Mary Tyler Moore



What People Are Saying

I was struggling with seriousness - having too much of it. I knew I needed help and Cindy showed up right about then. I had never been hypnotized and wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into.

The pre-session interview settled my concerns. Cindy was gentle, affirming, and instructive about how the sessions would go. Then I settled into a comfy chair, snuggled under a clean warm blanket, and with Cindy’s calm voice leading me, took a journey into my own fears and history.

When I hit a block or a wall in my mental and emotional progress, Cindy guided me to look at it and dismantle it firmly and completely. The sessions each had a different flavor but they all headed me towards my overall goal of finding joy again.

With each session, I found I was more willing to observe and not grab control, more playful, and less concerned with outcomes. Am I all games and silliness now? No - and I don’t need to be.

Cindy helped guide me to a place, a space, a way of being in better balance between the issues that I need to manage and the ones I can delight in simply because I AM. Thanks Cindy. ”

— Ruth, Virginia

Six people jumping in the air in celebration above a distant hill and a horizon background.

“Over the course of our sessions, Cindy led me in understanding much about myself and examining beliefs I held, all with great compassion. She provided me tools to release beliefs that no longer served me, support through those transitions, and an education that I will carry with me forever. My life is in such a different place now, and I strongly recommend her!

The main reason for which I sought help was feeling stuck -professionally, financially, and personally- and wanting to replace negative beliefs and patterns of behavior. Specifically, I had come to dislike something that had always been my passion and now was my livelihood; this led to an avoidance of work, which took a toll on my finances, state of mind, and life in general.

Following the hypnosis sessions, I was genuinely impressed by the noticeable changes -in my mindset, in my behavior, and in the experiences I was having as a result. I felt relief instead of feeling stuck, returned to work, and have since experienced a complete shift in the direction of my life, with opportunities in front of me that were unimaginable just months ago.

Cindy's commitment alone is remarkable and exceeded anything I could've asked for. Because of that, and her expertly guiding me through the process of hypnotherapy, my life has opened up in ways that truly surpass what I'd hoped at the beginning of our work together.

Compared with approaches I've tried in the past, hypnosis has been very effective and very fast. As with any talk therapy (psychiatry, for example), it has the benefit of being tailored to the individual, but hypnosis has the added advantage of implementing solutions in a more direct and wholistic manner.”

— Sarah, Virginia


Reclaim Courage & Confidence with Proven Hypnotic Strategies

The Need To Be Dehypnotized.

Let’s get real here. We’ve been being hypnotized our entire life by the people in our life and by society. And mostly, we’ve been hypnotizing ourselves- yes, practicing a form of negative Self-Hypnosis.

There’s no problem with self-hypnosis if what our mind hears and what we continually repeat to ourselves is unconditional support for and acceptance of our being our true REAL selves.

So, the first order of business will be to uncover the specific untruths you continue to repeat to yourself and those beliefs that limit your ability to live fully.

Then, we’ll pull them up by their roots and reinstall the truth as it was always meant to be... unshakeable belief in yourself. Then your instinctive courage and confidence in the REAL YOU will naturally begin to spring forth in your life.

Sound good to you?

You Were Born With It.

Think about how instinctively determined babies are to move… then crawl… then stand up, and when they fall numerous times, they just get themselves right back up and start walking across the floor.

Feeling quite proud. Full of the courage to go after whatever is of interest to them. Never questioning their worth or place in this world and certainly not thinking they’re a failure or that something’s wrong with them.

Instead they want to be seen, heard and free to explore the world without being judged… as this is a need of all humans.

And you CAN reclaim that innate sense of WORTH, COURAGE and MOTIVATION!

“It takes Courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before…

To Test Your Limits…

To Break Through Barriers.


And the day came when the Risk it Took to Remain Tight inside the BUD was more painful than the Risk it Took to Blossom.

-Anais Nin

Emphasis added for effect.