Overcome That Challenge Now…


If you’re ready to finally release UNSUPPORTIVE HABITS, FEARS or NEGATIVE THINKING that holds you back from doing that thing you so want to do, or holding you back from being that person you so want to be…

Or if you’re FED UP with feeling the way you do, and are ready to BREAK FREE from the past, live in the present and move with much greater ease, courage & confidence into your future…

You’ve come to the right place!

Cindy Shuffield Helps People…

  • Resolve inner conflict that diminishes their ability to easily make decisions and move forward with their life.

  • Overcome anxiety, negative self-talk, and trauma that causes them to struggle & doubt themselves.

  • Find insight, clarity and motivation to confidently do what’s needed in order to reach their goals.

  • Break through unconscious barriers that keep them stuck repeating unsupportive negative habitual patterns that undermine their success and happiness.

  • Increase self-confidence, self-esteem and self-control that allows them to begin living the empowered life they so desire.

As a Professional Hypnotist and Coach, I uniquely combine hypnosis, hypnotherapy, coaching and various other change methods in a customized way, to help you make the desired and necessary changes in your life, so as to bring about the SUCCESS, and ultimately, the INNER PEACE and HAPPINESS you most want for yourself.

With Hypnosis Change Can More Easily Happen.

Ready to Resolve That Issue?


  • Harness the power of your thoughts, feelings & behaviors, so they’re working with you, instead of against you.

  • Effectively communicate with your unconscious mind, and essentially take control of your life.

  • Get results even where willpower has failed you in the past.

  • Stop the emotional triggers that cause you to do this behavior and continue to positively direct your own life by learning effective self-hypnosis!

  • Break free from the past, live in the present and move with much greater ease, courage & confidence into your future.

  • Develop a supportive and accepting relationship with yourself that can sustain you throughout your lifetime.

  • Tap into what’s great about you, enhance those strengths, use them to easily let go of that issue you’re so ready to resolve & then be well on your way to happily living the life you’ve been wanting!


Are you ready to HARNESS THE POWER of your thoughts, feelings and behaviors, so they’re WORKING WITH YOU, instead of against you?

Empowered Living Services

Anxiety Relief

Gain greater control over the stress & anxiety in your life and stop panic before it takes over and interrupts your life.


Building Confidence

Want to trust & believe in yourself, stand your ground and go after things you thought were not possible?


Romantic, work, family & friend relationships are ALL affected by the relationship you have with yourself. Improve yours…

Smiling woman surrounded by butterflys & filled with love & esteem for self.

Increase Self-Esteem

Healing happens when we learn to love those places within us that feel abandoned, unloved and rejected…

Overcome Fears

Just imagine now… what it’ll be like, when that fear is no longer there! How will that change your life?


Breaking Habits

Are you ready to stop living with that behavior that’s negatively impacting your life and start living life without it?

Sleep Better

Enjoy the benefits that come from a well-rested mind and body from sleeping more deeply and soundly each night.


Spiritual Journey

A shamanic influenced journey and modern-day approach to healing one’s heart and coming back into wholeness.

Spiral with Sunset or Sunrise

Hypnotic Mind, Body & Spirit Individual & Group Spa Offerings

A Gift to Your Soul


During the natural process of hypnosis, our minds are more receptive to positive suggestions, insight and releasing negative emotions.

What People Are Saying


Cindy and I just clicked in our first interview. I was impressed with the approach of self evaluation before our sessions and along the way, and proud of our work in the end. She is easy to talk to, and trust, and REAL. No smoke and mirrors.

Cindy helped me love myself for who I am, appreciate my strengths, and gave me the tools to more positively, and reasonably approach situations that I otherwise would blow up over and damage my friends and family. It’s worth the time, effort, and cost in my opinion and then some!

- Cindy B., Virginia


Working with you has been a life-changing experience that I expect will continue for the rest of my days. I finally know who I am. My expectations were tiny grains of sand compared to the vast, sacred wisdom and personal guidance you gave me. I expected to get some new psychological insights from hypnosis, but I didn't expect this work to transform me.

I am more present, calmer, in touch with my body in physical space, and aware of the emotional energy that unconsciously drives my behavior. I love that I know how to rewire my brain. I feel like a different person because I AM a different person.

I no longer loathe my body, think I am "less than," put others first, or invade other people's business. I am comfortable with uncomfortable thoughts and feelings now because I know how to use them for new insights and soul growth and then let them be.

You exuded the loving wisdom and integrity of a master, which you are. I'm grateful I was sent to you, and you took me on. The results are priceless.

- G.C., Virginia


Why Such Difficulty Doing This Myself?

Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.
— Earl Nightingale

Have you ever wondered why sometimes it seems so easy to make a change and other times it feels impossible? Have you tried to CHANGE A HABIT or become MORE SELF-MOTIVATED only to find a part of your mind resisting the change?

Well, you’re bumping up against your unconscious mind which is running your life based on good and bad information that it stored from previous experiences.

Your unconscious mind, from birth, is constantly interpreting each experience you have and storing that information for future reference.

In fact, every new experience is filtered through that filed away information, resulting in your CONSCIOUS MIND and your body, being guided by your UNCONSCIOUS MIND’s findings, and most often without you even being aware of it.

Here’s the Kicker…

The unconscious mind DOES NOT REASON – it accepts everything as truth. Now, what this gives you though, is an opportunity to inform your mind of exactly what it is you want! Except, I’m guessing that your communication with it hasn’t been working out for you!

Well the problem is… you must clearly and consitently speak the language that your unconsious mind understands!

The unconscious mind uses a DIFFERENT LANGUAGE of communication than our conscious mind. It actually communicates through IMAGINATION, images and metaphors, where our conscious mind communicates through logic and reasoning. So basically, it hasn’t understood what you’ve wanted-there’s been too much MISCOMMUNICATION!

So, how we communicate with our unconscious mind is key. Why? Well… as you’ve experienced- logic with its willpower may win a battle or two but the war on change ultimately is won by the imagination.

The thoughts you think and grab onto and the words you say to yourself, create images or pictures (you may not consciously be aware of) that are communicating constantly with your unconscious mind.

Conscious Mind vs Unconscious Mind… EmpoweredLivingHypnosis.com

So, learning how to effectively and consistently use your imagination to align your conscious intentions, wishes, and motivations with the intentions, wishes, and motivations of your unconscious mind, will greatly enhance your ability to change your life in profoundly positive ways.

How HYPNOSIS Comes into Play...

Hypnosis gives us DIRECT ACCESS to the unconscious mind, which virtually unlocks the door to solutions and the ability to make permanent changes.

Here’s where I come into the picture… being skilled in the art and science of hypnosis, coaching and communication with the unconscious, after determining what you specifically want, I’ll utilize these skills to customize a plan and guide you to the right places for making the desired changes necessary for your forward success.

Please know that I’m like a TOUR GUIDE educating, HELPING YOU create new maps to follow and leading YOU through powerful change and hypnotic experiences where YOU will HEAL YOURSELF.

The actual POWER OF CHANGE is within your unconscious mind, in your willingness to use your imagination as directed, as well as in completion of post session actions.


let’s get you from where you are now to where

you want to be!

Just IMAGINE what your life will be like when you SUCCESSFULLY make that CHANGE… see yourself living… really living the way you want to live… What will you say to yourself? How will you feel? How will you look?

And YES… it is possible, because if others can do it…


 Here’s What to Do NEXT…